









 中国のゲームアプリ会社「Rekoo Media」が2009年8月26日、SNSの「mixi(ミクシィ)」でサービスを始めた。その「ほんわか」したムードで人気を集め、約1か月でユーザー数は100万人を突破。同年11月には、同社は日本法人を立ち上げ、サービス強化を本格化させた。利用者は年内に300万人を超え、産経新聞が12月に公表した「ネット発ヒット商品番付2009」では、「東の関脇」に選ばれた(東の横綱は米アップルのiPhone)。2010年半ばにはユーザー数は500万人を突破した。

 もっとも、ずっと順風満帆だったわけではない。スタートからほどなくして、課金をめぐるトラブルも起きた。「高級肥料」などを買える「Kコイン」を購入(1枚10円で交換)したはずなのに、Kコインが手に入らないなどと苦情が出たこともあり、J-CASTニュースでは09年10月27日、「ミクシィでゲーム課金トラブル 『サンシャイン牧場』に不満相次ぐ」の記事を配信した。しかし、こうしたトラブルも改善され、一時は「mixi」以外でもサービスが始まった(のちに停止)。





The Ultimate Sex Manual for Women: Uncensored Secr


The Ultimate Sex Manual for Women: Uncensored Secret Strategies to Seduce and Fxxx Like a Pornstar All Day Long【電子書籍】[ Daniel Marques ]

<p class="p1" data-version="1.1"><span class="s1">Did you know that, according to several scientific studies, orgasms can relieve pain? Or, that while 75% of men always reach orgasm?during sex, only 29% of women report the same? (by National Health and Social Life Survey)</span></p><p class="p1"><span class="s1">Did you know that, according to the Museum of Sex, the vibrator was originally used as a medicinal treatment for female "hysteria" during the 19th century, as it helped dissipating hysteria's anxiety-related symptoms?</span></p><p class="p1"><span class="s1">This book was a major success when launched for the first time, which proves that this knowledge is as urgently needed as also rare to find. It was written for women and combines the perspective of many that were interviewed for this purpose.</span></p><p class="p1"><span class="s1">As the Sex Industry grows by the millions, and the number of women and men that want to be in Adult Movies increases as well, it becomes clear that everyone has hidden ideas, believes, thoughts, habits and curiosities that, somehow, need to be satisfied. This book was created to promote an uplifting assimilation of all them, by proposing an analysis of sex that is mature, realistic, educational and insightful.</span></p><p class="p1"><span class="s1">Many books in the market, promoting modern but uncomfortable sex positions in order to increase women’s pleasure, or showing them how to choose a good sex partner with the wrong rules, are far from the value that this book intends to offer. Here, you'll learn how to last longer, by knowing what to eat, drink and do, how to obtain maximum pleasure, how to have more fun and how to behave with multiple partners at the same time. Nevertheless, it doesn't forget the importance of meaningful relationships and their relation to sex, by describing the significance of its mind healing properties.</span></p><p class="p1"><span class="s1">"Sex is a part of nature" (Marilyn Monroe), "energy" (Beatrice Wood) and "a conversation carried out by other means" (Peter Ustinov).</span></p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。 ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
⇒ 詳細はこちら



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NEW寝ながらバストアップブラ M


NEW寝ながらバストアップブラ M


⇒ 詳細はこちら



動画が再生されない場合はこちら [動画再生]